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Memorial and Remembrance Ceremony
- In
October 2007 the USS Bowfin
museum in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii hosted
the Wahoo family for a
week of remembrance culminating
in a memorial ceremony provided
by the US Navy. The editor was fortunate
enough to participate as a volunteer
and recorded the events in a blog.
Relive the week in the War
Fish Blog. |
One's For You, Brother' -
For 64 years Ruth Anders wondered
what happened to her brother Floyd
who was aboard Wahoo during
her final patrol. Last October in
Hawaii, she honored his memory by
ringing the submarine's bell when
his name was called during the Navy's
memorial ceremony for the lost boat.
the story... |
S1c William F. Young served in Wahoo on her second through fourth war patrols. During this time of intense conflict, both in Wahoo's wardroom and with the enemy, his service helped build the fighting legacy that continues to inspire submariners today. Read the whole story... |
F3c James H. Allen served in Wahoo on patrol 2 before going on to serve in Silversides and the sub tender USS Sperry. There he learned preparing for a war patrol can sometimes be as hazardous as the patrol itself. View his service pictures and read the sea story... |
note from the Editor:
Having thoroughly enjoyed
blogging my experiences
during the trip to Pearl
Harbor, I'm going to
begin to regularly post
Wahoo content
to it in order to speed
up information delivery.
Click on the image to
go to the blog. Once
there, subscribe to
the War Fish Blog feed
and stay current. |