A Job Well Done
Letter of Commendation, 1942 - Following Wahoo's first war patrol, Kennedy issued the above commendation to Chief Rau in recognition of his "splendid performance of duty".

Crossing-The-Line Certificate, 1943 - Issued to all newly industed shellbacks, the certificate reads in part: "The United States Submarine Wahoo did enter my Royal Domain, bearing within it Russell H. Rau, US Navy who in due course of law, did receive chastisement for his pitiful uninitiate state and after due repentance was accorded the honor and distinction of being a Loyal Shellback. As such he is entitled to all rights and privileges as a Subject of my Royal Kingdom." 

August, 1945 - Chief Russell Rau (right) receives a Bronze Star for "meritorious service in connection with operations against the enemy as Chief of the Boat and Assistant Diving Officer of the USS Wahoo during her Second War Patrol in the Solomon Island area from 8 November to 26 December 1942".
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