U.S.S. TANG  (SS 306)
                           c/o Fleet Post Office
                         San Francisco, California

Serial 013                              3 September, 1944


From:     The Commanding Officer
To  :     The Commander in Chief, United States Fleet
Via :     The Commander Submarine Division 141
          The Commander Submarine Squadron 14
          The Commander Submarine Force Pacific Fleet
          The Commander in Chief U.S. Pacific Fleet

Subject:  U.S.S. TANG (SS 306), Report of Fourth War Patrol.

Enclosure:     (A) Subject Report.
               (B) Track chart. (ComSubPac only)

     1.  Enclosure (A), covering the fourth war patrol of this
vessel conducted in Japanese Empire waters during the period
31 July 1944 to 3 September. 1944, is forwarded herewith.

                                   R. H. O'KANE

                               (A) PROLOGUE

     Returned from third war patrol July fourteenth.  The refit
by SubDiv 62 and Submarine Base, Midway, completed on the
twenty-fourth, is considered our finest to date.  Conducted
normal training and departed July thirty-first.

                               (B) NARRATIVE

                       July 31 (+12) - August 7 (-9)

1555 Underway for areas four and five at two engine speed.
     Conducted usual training dives and fire control drills,
     and enjoyed yachting weather.

                               August 8 (-9)

0950 Dived a half hour to avoid a bomber sighted at about
     eight miles.
1410 Dived an hour for another bomber about ten miles
2351 Sighted MIKURA SHIMA in the NAMPO SHOTO, but because
     of known radar installations nearby, proceeded to INAMBA
     SHIMA, a small pinnacle, for checking our SJ.

                               August 9 (-9)

     Conducted submerged patrol near INAMBA SHIMA in the
     vicinity of numerous plotted contacts.  Continuous
     searching, with
1900 periodic sweeps at forty feet finally located what
     might have been smoke beyond ZENNI SU, so on surfacing
     proceeded to the northwest to investigate.  No contact was
     made, but as all the surrounding areas were vacant, closed
     the coast in the bight west of OMAE SAKI for submerged
     patrol at dawn.

                              August 10 (-9)

0441 Dived six miles from the beach and continued closing
     the coast.  A few minutes later sighted single mast and
     superstructure of an apparent patrol boat which continued
     its sweep down the coast.
0903 Sighted a large engine-aft ship against the beach,
     escorted by three bombers.  We were already on his beam
     six thousand yards away, so except for closing the traffic
     route, our approach served only to impress our OOD's with
     the necessity of sticking one's eyeballs on the beach to
     pick out the shipping.

                               ATTACK NO. 1

1010 Within an hour of securing from battle stations for
     this first ship, and having avoided another patrol by
     continuing in, sighted an old type loaded tanker right
     against the beach headed for OMAE SAKI. As four bombers
     were the only escorts, took a sounding to find we were
     still in forty fathoms.  A standard speed approach closed
     him to 1200 yards where with echo and stadimeter ranges
     checking, fired
1034 three Mk 23 torpedoes spread his length by constant
     bearings, 100 starboard track. speed 8.5, set at eight
     feet, gyros near zero. No hits.  No explosions on the
     beach three thousand yards away.  Two minutes after
     firing, the tanker, alerted, reversed course away, so
     commenced evasion, thoroughly expecting bombs or several
     depth charges.  We rolled on the bottom at eighty feet
     during our turn to evade, but reached deep water and
     commenced periscope patrol.
1500 Very distant counter attack commenced.
1920 surfaced north of DAIO SAKI, and staying clear of its
     252 MC radar, proceeded down the 100 fathom curve past
     MIKI SAKI searching for any night shipping.

                              August 11 (-9)

0418 Having doubled back to MIKI SAKI, dived three miles
     west of the point, then closed intercept any morning
0515 When visibility was just becoming good through the
     periscope, sighted smoke against the beach and the bow
     wake of an escort.  Before we could reach an approach
     course, the escort and a large engine-aft freighter ducked
     around MIKI SAKI and into KADA WAN, thence down the coast.
     Patrol activity increased steadily with one pinger
     generally in sight, an inshore patrol proceeding back and
     forth a thousand yards off MIKI SAKI, and a motor boat
     resembling a landing barge with six lookouts making a
     nuisance of itself.
1244 After ducking for a modern looking gunboat loaded
     with depth charges, heard extremely loud pinging coming up
     the coast.  The A/S vessel was not as big as his ping, but
     coming straight to MIKI SAKI, then changing course to
     seaward, he forced us off the fifty fathom curve as we
     kept our stern to him.  His method became apparent when a
     tanker came out of KADA WAN and ducked around MIKI SAKI
     with the TANG hopelessly out of position for attack.
1500 With changing tide, fogging periscopes nearly ruined
     the rest of our day for we were spotted by the motor boat
     when longer exposures became necessary.  He was extremely
     difficult to shake, but on sighting smoke, a half hour run
1635 at standard speed into OKASE WAN left him out on the
     80 fathom curve.  This put us in about forty fathoms of
     water, on the route followed by the tanker, and on their
     most probable track.

                            ATTACKS NO.2 and 3

     The smoke, which had been in two columns, developed into
     two mast-funnel-mast split superstructure freighters in
     column.  They were escorted well to seaward by the gunboat
     previously sighted, and by a smaller escort on the other
     bow.  During the remainder of the approach, the leading
     ship was identified (EC) as of the BIYO MARU class, page
     220 ONI 208-J (rev'd), and the second about two thirds her
     size as similar (EU) to the AKASI MARU, page 230.  Both
     ships were heavily loaded.
1740 When in position 1700 yards on the convoy's beam,
     just prior to firing a final set-up, sound showed our
     gunboat coming in fast about a thousand yards away,
     evidently warned by the motor boat of our presence.
1741 Fired three Mk 23 torpedoes at the leading freighter,
     range 1800, 110 starboard track, depth setting 6 feet,
     spread 150 ft of the targets length by constant bearings,
     followed by a similar spread at the second freighter on an
     80 starboard track.  Took a quick low power sweep to
     observe the gunboat filling the field boiling past our
     stern, evidently having misjudged our course and giving
     the wrong lead.  Reassured, swung quickly to the leading
     target in time to see the first torpedo hit right in the
     middle, evidently in his Scotch Boilers, for he
     disintegrated with the explosion.
1743 On our way deep, timed our fourth and fifth torpedoes
     to hit the second freighter, followed by a tooth-shaking
     depth charge attack.  As the gunboat's screws on our port
     bow showed his intent to turn us toward shallow water,
     make a full speed dash, assured by single ping soundings
     taken with each barrage.  Even at this speed, the
     twisting, scrunching, breaking-up noises were loud in the
     direction of the targets.  After twenty-two close ones,
     the depth charges drew aft and we were able to return to
     periscope depth
1821 in thirty-eight minutes.  The gunboat was now about
     4000 yards on our quarter, the other escort at the scene
     of the attacks apparently picking up survivors, and one
     plane was circling the area.  Nothing else was in sight.
2005 Continued to seaward at five knots and surfaced at
     dark with depth charging still progressing and the area
     astern of us being swept by searchlights.
2010 Headed for INAMBA SHIMA at 18 knots.

                              August 12 (-9)

0420 Commenced submerged patrol between INAMBA SHIMA and
     MIKURA SHIMA back on our schedule.
0736 Maneuvered to avoid a patrol boat and proceeded south
     of MIKURA SHIMA as the Kuroshio was setting us on the
1505 Again the enemy had succeeded in chasing us from a
     likely spot, for after twenty-four depth charges and
     continuous planes and patrols, sighted distant smoke in
     the direction of our dawn position.
1918 As our attempts to maintain, and then to regain
     contact with the smoke had been futile, and even a six
     knot enemy ship would reach TOKYO BAY ahead of us,
     proceeded to the NOJIMA SAKI-INUBO SAKI area to intercept
     coastal traffic.
2300 Moved into KATSUURA WAN three miles from the beach to
     insure radar contact on any shipping.

                              August 13 (-9)

0312 As no contact was made and the visibility dropped to
     zero from wood smoke rolling from the beach, withdrew for
     submerged patrol at dawn.
0654 Sighted distant smoke to the southeast headed for
     NOJIMA SAKI and TOKYO.  Four bombers and a patrol boat
     prevented a surface dash to get on his track, and our
     twelve mile approach fell short by six thousand yards of
     attaining a firing position.
1921 After surfacing, took one more turn up the 100 fathom
     curve to INUBO SAKI before proceeding south to the TORI
     SHIMA area of the southern islands.

                              August 14 (-9)

0429 When 40 miles east of HACHIJO SHIMA, dived to avoid
     detection by a patrol yacht.  His maneuvering during the
     day prevented our usual surfacing for high periscope
     searches, so kept in sight for a 4" target if better
     shipping did not show up.  Numerous planes indicated that
     he may have spotted us too.
1430 surfaced to regain contact but dived in twenty
     minutes on the approach of a plane.

                             GUN ATTACK NO. 1

1753 Surfaced to maintain contact and check all guns, then
1832 to seven thousand yards and commenced firing.  The
     enemy was tenacious and wary, twisting and turning and
     closing the range at every opportunity, and though he
     replied only with apparent 20 mm. machine guns, he was on
     in deflection and not far short with a range of 4500
     yards, forcing us to haul out frequently.
          It was impossible with his movements and the 4" rate
     of fire to stay on for more than one or two hits, and only
     eight sure hits were observed.  These were beauts,
     however, demolishing his deck house aft and exploding in
     his side and upper works.
1926 With eighty-eight rounds expended and the enemy still
     under control, perhaps from central station, proceeded to
     the south for patrol on the following day.

                              August 15 (-9)

     Conducted submerged high periscope patrol east of TORI
     SHIMA surfacing periodically for high periscope searches.

                              August 16 (-9)

     Patrolled on the surface, searching with seven lookouts
     and high periscope.
1339 Dived on sighting MAVIS, which dropped one depth
     charge thirty minutes later.
1532 Continued surface patrol.

                              August 17 (-9)

     Patrolled as on previous day.
0736 Dived for an hour to avoid detection by a distant
1326 dived again for a bomber.

                              August 18 (-9)

     Patrolled as on previous day.
1310 Dived an hour for a distant aircraft, then proceeded
     west at three engine speed to reach KANTORI SAKI by the
     following night.

                              August 19 (-9)

     En route KANTORI SAKI for close in patrol.
1304 Submerged thirty miles from the coast and continued
     to close submerged.
1904 On surfacing closed the coast just short of KANTORI
     SAKI to intercept any night shipping.  The numerous
     sampans and row of lights previously reported are still in
     evidence, but nothing interfered with our closing to 5000
     yards from the beach, where contact with any shipping
     would be assured.
2347 Tracked a patrol boat as he came down the coast to
     seaward of us and then reversed course back toward MIKI

                              August 20 (-9)

     Continued close in radar search for shipping.  156 and 256
     megacycle radar was in evidence, but it didn't seem to
0450 Dived on the fifty fathom curve two miles from the
     beach where attack on any coastal traffic was assured.
0805 Avoided a patrol boat coming down the coast.

                              August 21 (-9)

0947 Sighted tops and smoke of a freighter coming out of
     the mist from the north.  As the enemy was inside the ten
     fathom curve, we still had to close the coast a little and
     dodge numerous sampans, but his escorts, two SC's, were
     will clear on his beam and port bow to seaward.  The
     freighter was a modern, medium sized, engine-aft ship.
     With range 900, 123 port track, speed 8, gyros around 30,
     fired two Mk 23 torpedoes at his stack and foremast by
     constant bearings, depth setting six feet.  The first
     torpedo evidently missed astern and exploded on the beach,
     while the second torpedo left the tube with a clonk but
     did not run.  We had to take our first eight depth charges
     at periscope depth, but had gained deep water for the next
2142 Surfaced and headed around SHIONO MISAKI to attack
     the constant traffic between this point and ICHIYE SAKI.
     Radar on 82, 99, and 261 megacycles was in evidence but
     nothing came of it.

                              August 21 (-9)

0456 Dived in deep water off OKINOKURO SHIMA and closed
     the beach slowly for an afternoon attack.
0855 A large ship and two escorts proceeding eastward and
     rounding SHIONO MISAKI out of reach changed our plan, and
     we closed the next freighter two hours later.  She was a
     medium sized new engine-aft job with escorts well ahead,
     but with a 3000 yard torpedo run, broke off the attack, as
     a better shot was practically assured.

                               ATTACK NO. 5

     After closing the beach to a twenty fathom spot off
     OKINIKURO SHIMA, headed west too buck a two knot easterly
1243 Sighted smoke, then a medium mast-funnel-mast
     freighter coming up the coast unbelievably close to the
     beach.  Our approach consisted mainly of ducking two sub
     chasers and whale killer escorts, and turning left for a
     stern shot.
1317 At a range of 1650 yards, fired three Mark 18-1
     torpedoes spread 150 ft of the freighter's length by
     constant bearings, 110 port track, depth setting six feet,
     gyros around 20 left.  All torpedoes exploded on the
          We were at 200 feet, two fathoms off the bottom, when
     the first depth charges let go, and reached deep water
     twenty charges later.  Our evasion at 100 turns kept
     everything aft including late arriving pingers.
          Checks on the firing bearings with our Mark 8, and
     plot of the firing showed everything in order.  This left
     only the possibility of deep running torpedoes to explain
     our persistent misses, so decided to keep slugging and
     continue checking torpedoes.
          On our first trip to MIKI SAKI we were caught napping
     by a freighter and escort which rounded the point just
     after dawn.  Radar searches had shown no night traffic, so
     felt sure shipping might wait at OWASE WAN just north of
     MIKI and KUKI SAKI.
1916 On surfacing, proceeded clear of KANTORI SAKI to
     probe above the bay.

                              August 22 (-9)

                               ATTACK NO. 6

0020 After passing MIKI SAKI, slowed, crossed the 100
     fathom curve and proceeded around KUKI SAKI into OWASE
     WAN.  Side lobes were confusing, but we soon found a "pip
     where no pip ought to be".  The night was black and only
     the long shape of the enemy could be seen until we circled
     him to get him away from the land background.  There he
     was quite visible, identified as the gunboat who had
     harassed us during our first visit, topping it off then
     with those tooth-shakers.  He tracked at zero speed and
     was obviously anchored in about 20 fathoms two miles
     northwest of KUKI SAKI.  Holding our breath, we moved in
     slowly to twelve hundred yards, twisted, then steadied for
     a straight stern shot, and
0142 fired one Mark 18-1 torpedo at his middle set on
     three feet. The phosphorescent wake petered out after a
     hundred yard run with the torpedo evidently headed down,
     and hit bottom with a loud rumble, timed half way to the
     enemy, where there should have been 250 feet of water.  It
     was tracked by sound to this moment, but after the rumble
     cleared away, nothing more was heard.
0144 Fired a second Mark 18-1 torpedo set on three feet,
     feeling sure the enemy had been alerted by the first.
     It's wake was dimly visible directly to the target,
     tracked also by sound, but it passed underneath,
     apparently running on the deep side too.  With one salvo
     of three left aft, circled for a
1058 bow shot, and with range 900, fired a Mark 23 torpedo
     from number 5 tube at his middle, set on zero feet.
     Though we were stopped and absolutely steady and the gyro
     angle zero, it took a thirty yard jog to the left before
     settling towards the target and missed astern.
0200 Still whispering, though the last two torpedoes must
     have roared past him, fired a second Mark 23 torpedo from
     number 6 tube set on zero aimed at his gun forward.  It
     took a jog to the left also, but settled down right for
     his middle.  The explosion forty seconds later was the
     most spectacular we've ever seen, topped by a pillar  of
     fire and more explosions about five hundred feet in the
     air.  There was absolutely nothing left of the gunboat.
          This vessel was observed at close hand previously
     during daylight.  She was new in appearance, flush deck,
     with raised gun platforms forward and amidships mounting
     estimated 3"  double purpose guns.  Aft of the midships
     platform was a goalpost structure, possibly for use in
     sweeping, topped by a lookout or director platform.  Her
     stern had very long almost horizontal depth charge racks
     holding fourteen counted depth charges a side, and what
     appeared to by Y-guns on the centerline.  On observation
     before firing she measured between 225' and 250' in length
     and is estimated to have a standard displacement of 1500
          Feeling that our difficulties had been mainly in
     sluggish steering and depth engines, withdrew at full
     power to spend the day checking afterbodies of our
     remaining torpedoes.
          After giving the steering engines a good workout to
     insure they were free, checked our rudder throws.  On
     three of the six torpedoes they were three quarters to one
     degree heavy.  With a careful trim and no pressure in the
     boat, swung all torpedoes and calibrated depth springs.
1900 Now confident that our last two salvos would count,
     headed for OKAI SAKI and the scene of our first attack of
     the patrol.

                              August 23 (-9)

0100 In position on the fifty fathom curve west of OMAI
     SAKI, moved slowly to the bight of FUKUDA.  We were six
     thousand yard from the beach and it is certain that no
     shipping passed, though navigational lights were burning.
0417 Submerged, this time in our desired position, and
     commenced a cautious periscope patrol.  Plane activity
     started right after daylight followed by the first patrol
     a half hour later.
0803 Sighted smoke of two freighters as they rounded OMAI
     SAKI and commenced closing their track.  As expected, they
     were practically aground, so closed to 1000 yards from a
     wreck off FUKUDA, undoubtedly one of our sub's handy-work.
     Though the escorts were clear, an unexpected zip and a
     third previously unobserved small freighter put us
     underfoot.  A full speed dash succeeded only in getting us
     clear as they boiled by our bow and stern about two
     hundred yards off.
0923 We had been secured from battle stations less than a
     half hour when an old type destroyer, four bombers, and a
     float plane commenced searching down the coast.  At first
     it appeared that we'd been spotted, but his circling
     tactics resembled the routine sweep we'd observed of MIKI
     SAKI.  Though we had our torpedoes set at two feet and he
     came very close, we could secure nothing but sharp[ tracks
     or large angle shots.  Why his ear-splitting pinger didn't
     pick us up will remain a pleasant mystery.

                               ATTACK NO. 7

1017 With the destroyer just clear the reason for the
     activity became apparent with the sighting of masts and
     high superstructure of a ship coming down the coast toward
     OMAI SAKI.  He was escorted by a large PC or DE ahead, an
     SC on his bow, our aircraft previously sighted overhead,
     and an LST and a PC astern.
          We had been forced out a little by the destroyer, and
     a high speed approach was necessary to insure a short
     firing range.  It was therefore not until the angle on the
     bow opened ten minutes before firing that the full import
     of our enemy became apparent.  The decks of his long
     superstructure were lined with men in white uniforms, as
     was his upper bridge.
1110 Made another five minute dash to close the track,
     slowed and
1118 took two echo ranges, and fired three Mark 23
     torpedoes spread his length by constant bearings, 105
     starboard track, range 800 yards, speed 8, depth setting
     six feet, then commenced swinging for a stern shot at the
          The first and third torpedoes hit beautifully in his
     short well deck forward, and the after part of his long
     superstructure, giving him a twenty degree down angle
     which he maintained as he went under with naval ensign
          There is no ship resembling this in any of the ONI
     publications, though if the BUENOS AIRES MARU on page 45
     were give a raked bow and her stack cut down level with
     her superstructure, she would be a close approximation.
     She was not, however, a hospital ship.  The gross tonnage
     of this vessel would be in the neighborhood of 10000 tons
     and her standard displacement 15000.
1121 Our LST headed for the beach and someone dropped two
     depth charges, not close, which permitted us to get two
     soundings and clear out at 100 turns.  For once, depth
     charging the submarine seemed to take second priority,
     undoubtedly as survivors were picked up, for it was ten
     minutes before they started to rain.  We had then reached
     deep water, and two hours at high speed, then gradual
     slowing, kept everything astern, including a multi-ship
     echo ranging search during the remainder of the day.
1907 Following our hit and run policy, commenced a full
     power dash to round SHIOKO MISAKI for another crack at the
     coastal traffic before a waxing moon made evasion

                              August 24 (-9)

          Radar on 82, 96, and 256 megacycles was again in
     evidence near SHIONO MISAKI, but it appears to be poor, or
     in part early warning installations.
0336 Sighted a ship on the SJ at 10000 yards about on the
     100 fathom curve.  After tracking it at six knots and
     gaining position ahead, picked up and sighted another ship
     close to the beach.  As this latter seemed to be the
     larger and the
0428 former probably an escort, switched approach and
     dived for a periscope attack in the dawn that was
     breaking.  When the generated range was 3000 he commenced
     signalling with yardarm blinkers, then turned away
     displaying a super load of depth charges and efficient
     looking guns.  Though we had our tubes ready for this
     patrol, he wandered shoreward, never giving us a setup.
     It appeared that he had been relieved by a second patrol
     which occupied our attention for the next two hours,
0950 and too late we saw him lead a modern medium sized
     diesel tanker out of KAZAMPO, just east of ICHIYE SAKI,
     and head for SHIONO MISAKI hugging the coast.
          Activity increased toward noon with the passage down
     the coast of a HISKUN MARU class patrol with two stripes
     on his stack.  Within an hour sighted smoke beyond ATAKI
     SAKI, and assuming our escort commander would soon be back
     with the freighter, moved in to the forty fathom curve.
     He was there all right on the next observation with two
     large freighters astern.  They were both riding high and
     practically on the beach, escorted astern by a similar
     patrol, on their beam by two worming destroyers, and five
     PC's fanned our to the 100 fathom curve.  Their echo
     ranging frequencies varied from about 500 cycles, nicely
     audible on the JP and sounding like a pile driver on the
     lowest limit of the JK, to above the upper limit of the JK
     at 37 KCS.
          Convinced that this was a little too much for a
     twenty fathom shot with our last three torpedoes,
     slithered under the inboard PC, a fathom or two off the
     bottom, and reached deep water with only one token depth
1930 As our presence was at least suspected in this
     location, commenced a high speed run around SHIONO
     and KANTORIU SAKI to attack off NIGISHIMA SAKI after
     daylight.  This point lies about five miles southwest
     of MIKI SAKI and is tipped by a small island three
     hundred yards off the beach around which shipping
     must pass.
          Our previous observations showed that the motorboat
     patrols did not range this far from MIKI SAKI.  If the
     echo ranging patrols could be avoided below the gradients
     in the fifty fathoms available without moving off their
     track, position for attack would be assured.
2342 Closing NIGISHIMA was not without incident however,
     for with lookout and radar efficiency poor in
     frequent rain squalls, suddenly sighted a submarine
     on our beam parallel to us, unbelievably close at
     1100 yards.  Put him astern and moved out to five
     thousand yards where tracking showed he had changed
     away also.  We then commenced an end around for dawn
     observation and attack if enemy.  Positive enemy
     identification would have been impossible at night.
     Shortly after we changed course for our end around
     his pip at five thousand yards grew smaller and
     disappeared apparently as he dived.  After ranging
     ahead on his original course, clear of his possible
     submerged positions, and searching for an hour,
     proceeded to NIGISHIMA SAKI.
          As this is the same area in which four torpedoes
     missed the TAUTOG, it will be interesting to know if any
     friendly submarine was in this position thirty miles
     southeast of KANTORI SAKI.  His diving as soon as we
     reversed course suggests radar, though no interference on
     SJ or detector was noted.

                              August 25 (-9)

0420 Dived three thousand yards from NIGISHIMA SAKI and
     moved to within fifteen hundred yards of the beach.
     Patrol activity started within a half hour, but
     turned back short of us for some time, probably as a
     continuous stream of cargo sampans was the only
     escorting necessary.  We did not remain at ease,
0805 however, for on a return sweep down the coast, a PC
     continued directly for us.  We were two fathoms off
     the bottom at 275 feet, rigged for silent running,
     and depth charge too, when he passed directly
     overhead.  He gave no indication of suspecting our
     presence, and we were able to come to periscope depth
     as soon as he passed.  Two repeat performances by the
     PC, sweeps by a HISHUN MARU class patrol, and planes
     on every observation, indicated coming shipping, by
     they also prevented sufficient observations to fix
     our position, and we were off ADASHIKA WAN,
1135 a mile down the coast when smoke appeared around MINI
          The tops, now visible, developed into a medium mast-
     funnel-mast and a small engine-aft freighter.  Guessing
     they would continue across ADASHIKA WAN, swung left for a
     stern shot with our last torpedoes.  They turned into the
     narrow bay however, giving us a 130 port track with a
     range between 1500 and 2000 yards.  Confident we could do
     better, and influenced a little by an escort about to take
     off our periscope, broke off the attack.
          We had been back abreast of our island off NIMISHIMA
1429 but an hour when more smoke came in sight.  This
     proved to be a patrol with a deep throated pinger
     again sounding like a pile driver on the JP.  The JP
     was too realistic where the noise appeared to scrape
     and klonk along the bottom.  It was almost reassuring
     when he shifted to short scale on passing
1530 250 feet above us, and especially so when he
     commenced driving piles again.

                            Attacks NOS. 8 & 9

          During the next hour, two and then three patrols
1715 the area, followed by distant high frequency echo
     ranging from down the coast.  though its peak was
     above the range of our receivers, it grew steadily
     louder until four escort vessels were in sight.  The
     coast was obscured by passing rain, but
1743 soon the enemy ship came in sight very close to the
     beach.  She presented a starboard  angle, so closed
     the beach to get on her track before turning off for
     a stern shot.  Ont he next observation we were on her
     port bow, so came to the
1800 reverse of her course for low parallax firing.
          The enemy was now identified as a modern medium sized
     diesel tanker, heavily loaded.  She was identical to the
     vessel that slipped by us out of KAZAMPO on the previous
     morning.  Her quarter escort slipped astern as she came
     on, three others remained fanned out on her starboard bow,
     while the fifth ranged ahead.  Our Navigator was correct
     when he tabooed turning for a straight stern shot, for our
     first echo range, inadvertently taken 180 degrees out,
     showed 800 yards to the beach.  The second, on the enemy,
     checked with the periscope stadimeter at 600 yards, so
     using constant
1805 bearings, fired the first Mark 18-1 torpedo at his
     stern, the second amidships, and the last a third
     ship length ahead, right for the middle of the three
     escorts nearly in line of bearing on his starboard
     bow.  Though the depth setting was six feet and the
     gyros around 60 degrees, the first two hit exactly as
     aimed and the third just blew hell out of the leading
     escort.  Though observed sparsely this latter is
     believed to have been of the KUSKIRO MARU class with
     standard displacement of 600 tons.
1808      What was left of the tanker had now sunk and the
     stern escort was making a run toward where his
     quarter would have been.  Expecting some close ones,
     put him on our port bow and headed for deep water.
     The initial barrages permitted high speed and single
     ping soundings, and in fifteen minutes we reached
     deep submergence.
          The enemy obviously never knew where the torpedoes
     had come from, and though his search became systematic
     with a total of sixty-eight depth charges, our 100 turn
     evasion outflanked him.
2039      With the moon hidden in clouds and the radar
     detector coupled to the SD antenna giving only
     strength two signals on 142, 242, and 306 megacycles,
     surfaced and cleared the area at full speed.  the
     signal strength decreased rapidly as we withdrew, and
     searchlights astern disappeared in gathering rain

                              August 26 (-9)

0800 In overcast, scuddy weather, continued past AOGASHIMA
     and set course for PEARL.

                           September 3 (+9 1/2)

     Arrived PEARL.

                                (C) WEATHER


                           (D) TIDAL INFORMATION

     West of OMAI SAKI, a current counter to the Kursohio was
persistently encountered.

                           (E) NAVIGATIONAL AIDS

     In general all navigational lights were burning, but with
varying characteristics.  In addition, observed fixed dimmed
navigational lights which are visible less than three miles.

                             (F) SHIP CONTACTS

(not transcribed)

                           (G) AIRCRAFT CONTACTS

(not transcribed)

                              (H) ATTACK DATA

(not transcribed)

                                 (I) MINES

     The possible defensive minefield between SHIONO MISAKI and
ICHIYE SAKI, noted in JICPOA information, is not considered to


     Speeds up to full under the initial depth charge barrages
with soundings taken during explosions facilitated hugging the
bottom and clearing the area to deep water.  further evasion
at 100 turns for at least two hours invariable left all
opposition behind.

                       (K) MAJOR DEFECTS AND DAMAGES


     It is considered that the design of the drum type
controller for trim pump, drain pump, turbo-blow, and
hydraulic plant, is both poor and antiquated.  The
unreliability of this controller approaches a major defect in
the trim pump installation, where it will not stand up under
frequent us and fails repeatedly.
     This is essentially the same controller that was installed
in USS ARGONAUT and improved in the WAHOO by addition of a
stainless steel cover, which had to be left off to make the
frequent repairs.  It could well be classed with the Model T
Ford, and has the same characteristic crank and choke.  Its
failures are not traceable to inexperienced operators, as it
fails as readily for old hands.
     Its peak performance occurred on this patrol when its
failures put the trim pump out of commission while an enemy
sound screen pinged overhead.  The silver soldering outfit for
convenience is now kept handy by.  The following list of
failures for this patrol alone should help to illustrate the
situation, and need for replacement by a CUTLER-HAMMER type as
installed in EB boats:
     August 7, 1944      Tripping out.  Replaced carbon
                         contacts and loosened metal cover.
     August 9, 1944      Tripping out.  Reversing the metal
                         cover helped temporarily.
     August 10, 1944     Carbon holder broke.  Silver soldered
                         holder and renewed carbons.
     August 11, 1944     Zero ground.  The top of the overload
                         coil was found caked with carbon dust.
     August 14, 1944     Tripping out.  Adjusted holding coil.
     August 17, 1944     Tripping out.  Removed metal cover
     August 19, 1944     Tripping out.  Tightened loose screws
                         on drum contact and carbon holders.
     August 21, 1944     Tripping out.  Carbons were found to
                         be making only 10% contact.
     August 22, 1944     Carbon holder broke.  Silver soldered
                         holder and renewed carbons.
     August 26, 1944     Tripping out.  Tightened shoes and
                         adjusted carbon contacts.

                                 (L) RADIO

                                 (M) RADAR

     SD - Not used
     SJ - No interference was noted

     It is believed that the transmitter failures of this
particular SJ radar continue to be excessive, compared to
other similar units.  It is serial number 11, probably
constructed under pressure and not up to par.  As suggested
previously by the Force Electronic Mat‚riel Officer, this
transmitter should be replaced by another.  The part failures
for this patrol are listed below:

(not transcribed)


     Sound conditions were fair.  Of interest is the wide
frequency range of enemy pinging.  It is considered quite
probable that many patrols previously considered to be
listening only, are actually echo ranging on frequencies
higher than can be covered by our receivers.  A higher
frequency receiver to determine this alone would be valuable.

                            (O) DENSITY LAYERS

     Excellent layers were encountered south of HONSHU,
generally beginning between 100 and 150 feet.

                    (P) HEALTH, FOOD, AND HABITABILITY


                               (Q) PERSONNEL

(a)  Number of men on board during patrol - - - - - - - - - 78
(b)  Number of men qualified at start of patrol - - - - - - 47
(c)  Number of men qualified at end of patrol - - - - - - - 65
(d)  Number of unqualified men making their first patrol- -  8
(e)  Number of men advanced in rating during patrol - - - - 15

                       (R) MILES STEAMED, FUEL USED

Midway to area        2425 mi.            22500 gal.
In area               3350 mi.            38000 gal.
Areal to Pearl        3325 mi.            53000 gal.

                               (S) DURATION

Days enroute to area              7
Days in area                     17
Days enroute base                 9
Days submerged                   12


Torpedoes       Fuel        Provisions         Personnel
    0           7500          60 days          indefinite

                                (U) REMARKS


                        (V) MARK EIGHTEEN TORPEDOES

     The routine followed was similar to that of other boats
except that it was not found necessary to interchange
torpedoes between tube and racks.