Paul Crozier, Lee Giles, Jeff Porteous
and Tom Kisler discuss the situation and Tom's models.

After deciding to build in the conference
room and sail in the hotel pool, Gail Phillips began
work on Don Baker's WTC. Gail
Don on
proper set-up, care, and maintenance of this essential
piece of r/c sub equipment. |

Paul and Gorden work on Gorden's Los
Angeles class kit while Jeff looks on. |

Don made real progress on his Scale Shipyard Skipjack hull. The stern cone was cut and glued
on and the indexing lips were glued to the lower hull. |

The work table was always crowded with
boats. In the foreground is Lee's WWII British S-class
boat, HMS Storm. This is a maginifcent project
and will be a striking boat on the water. |
2006 SubRon5/The SubCommittee